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Bosenova Micro Black Hole Catastrophe Possible?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:27 pm
by fedex287
Bose–Einstein condensate, (BEC), experiments are becoming more and more prolific. Seems that approximately 150+ labs that can do advanced BEC experiments are already up and running with no end in sight. The more they perfect the trapping of atoms and theoretically eventual capability of possibly trapping masses of atoms in the hundreds of billions or many trillions in mass, the more these experiments worry me. Notice the absence of any mention of micro black hole creation as a possibility of the forced implosion/ explosion or "BoseNova" experiments so far across the internet. That's no coincidence. After all CERN created the internet. As far as I'm concerned, MBC creation is at least a theoretical explanation for the missing approx. 50% mass of these events. It seems logical to me that a man created MBH of a certain minimal mass can out run Hawking Radiation and start to accrete surrounding matter. Yeah, I mean Earth. And in that perfect scenario, the accretion rate would be exponential. Where am I wrong?

Re: Bosenova Micro Black Hole Catastrophe Possible?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:20 am
by sethjpicton
Sounds like a good phenomenon but I think this is impossible.

Re: Bosenova Micro Black Hole Catastrophe Possible?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:36 am
by RomsMaklaet
The more they perfect the trapping of atoms and theoretically eventual capability of possibly trapping masses of atoms in the hundreds of billions or many trillions in mass.